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MakeCode Programming

We use the MakeCode website to build our code. It's a versatile site because you can use block coding in addition to javascript and python languages. You can even switch back and forth between the three. ​


It's important to note that you do not create an account to MakeCode. This means your work stays on the computer or iPad where you make it. If you want to continue working on the same project, you must "share" the project and save the link or download the .hex project file. You can then open and edit the link or import the .hex file on a new device.

Micro:bit MakeCode

Physical Computing with Micro:Bits

Physical computing allows us to write programs that interact with the physical world.

Micro:bits are small programmable microcontrollers that can be used for all sorts of cool creations, from scientific experiments and robots to musical instruments and autonomous rovers - the possibilities are endless!


Mr. Mularella received a grant last year to purchase class 100 micro:bits along with extension boards, motors, servos, and other accessories that let you be creative. 

Coding with Micro:Bits
  1. Read about the different micro:bit features.

  2. Read through the Quick Start Guide to learn how to plug the micro:bit to the computer and send code to it.


Micro:bits and all related accessories are kept in the Coding Closet in the Design Lab classroom. This is the first wooden closet you see when entering the classroom.


Learn to code with Microsoft MakeCode. Choose some tutorials to follow and practice sending the code to your micro:bit.


Choose different tutorials to learn how to code different features (sensors, LEDs, buttons, and inputs).


Expand the Micro:Bit's Capabilities with Crickit

​At some point, you may want to do something that a micro:bit can't do on its own. That's where the Adafruit Crickit comes in!


The Crickit is an extension board for micro:bits. It requires a 3 AA battery pack instead of the regular 2 AAA battery 

pack for the micro:bit alone. This device allows you to add servos, motors, sensors, and other components to your micro:bit project. 


Introducing the Crickit


Make it Move with Crickit


Building a Rover Instructions


Crickit Robot Instructions


How to Connect and Code the Ultrasonic Sensor


Other Versions of MakeCode



Asides from coding micro:bits, there are two other versions of MakeCode you can explore: 

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Other Coding Resources
App Development

​MIT App Inventor is an intuitive, visual programming environment that allows everyone – even children – to build fully functional apps for smartphones and tablets. (Requires an Android device)


Thunkable - build your own native app without needing to know how to code.

​ has a huge collection of coding resource and tutorials including activities for the "Hour of Code".


Codecademy has a large collection of lessons for different programming languages. There is a paid subscription, but many of the lessons are free. No need to pay! 

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