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This design pathway is all about being creative and making something cool using cardboard as your primary material! You can actually make just about anything out of cardboard given enough time and imagination. Just consider the high school engineering students who have an annual cardboard boat competition!

Project Idea Resources

Here are a few resources to get you started! 


Makedo Creations Gallery

​ is home to the annual global cardboard challenge.


Cardboard Arcade Games


Instructables Cardboard Projects


36 Creative Things to Make with Cardboard


Cardboard Chair Project

Cardboard Construction Tools

The Design Lab classroom has plenty of Makedo and other cardboard tools to help you wtih your cardboard construction projects.  ​




Check out these great video tutorials for different cardboard construction techniques!



"Cardboard automata" is the process of creating cool interactive and movable sculptures using cardboard and simple machine concepts like levers, cams, and other mechanisms.

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