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The Breaker Space is a unique experience available during Maker's Workshop. Students are encouraged to disassemble and investigate items such as old PC's, monitors, video games, and more. 

Students will have a chance to truly wonder, ask questions, take risks, and have no fear of doing something wrong!

By using simple tools such as protective eye wear, pliers hammers, and tiny screwdrivers, students can dissect and remix different pieces of technology in a safe environment.

Three reasons to "break apart" old equipment:



1. Learn how technology works. Sometimes, the best way to learn about something is to take apart and look at its components. The benefit of doing this with old components is students don't need to put them back together, so there's no risk of failure!


2. Take apart and remix. Once students learn how things work, they can try to use those components to make something similar. For instance, they could try to take an old video game controller and use it to control a different game.

3. Take apart and make something new. This goes along with the concept of upcycling, but students can harvest old components and use those to make new products that are unrelated to the original item. For instance, old PC components can be repurposed into something cool like these examples here

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